Tree Surgeon & Arborist Volunteer Opportunities
Become a DART Volunteer
If you would like to volunteer for DART as a Disaster Arborist Response Team member, or in some other support capacity, please complete our volunteer registration form.
We will contact you to discuss your offer of support and, if appropriate, invite you to pre-deployment training.
It takes a lot to run a charity like DART, it's not as simple as grabbing a saw and going. We are on the lookout for a range of skills such as:
- medical experience i.e. a paramedic,
- fundraising,
- PR & Marketing and many more
Please, let us know how you think you can help.
Become A Chainsaw Volunteer
Please note that volunteers wanting to assist in tree clearance and teaching will preferably have 3 years of industry experience and hold NPTC (or equivalent national qualifications) in the following:
- Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting
- Felling of trees up to 380mm
- Felling of trees over 380mm
- Emergency Tree Operations or Severing Uprooted or Windblown Trees
- Tree Climbing and Rescue
- Aerial Cutting of Trees with a Chainsaw using Freefall Techniques
- Aerial Tree Rigging
- An ‘in-date’ First Aid qualification (preferably specific to the Arb/Forestry industry)
If you don’t yet fulfil the requirements, but have supplementary skills or are willing to work towards them, we may still be able to use your support and welcome your registration as a potential volunteer.